Inviting Users to Connect Wallets
You can invite users to connect their wallets to your workspace through either the web application or the public API.
Using the Web App
Accessing Wallet Management
- Navigate to your workspace
- Go to the "Wallets Management" page
- Here you can view all existing connections and their statuses
Sending Connection Invites
- Click the "Create wallet" button
- Add user details for each invitation:
- Email address
- Name
- You can add multiple users in a single batch
- Click "Send Invites" to process the requests
Managing Connections
The wallet management page shows all connections with their current status:
- Pending: Invitation sent, awaiting user response
- Active: User has accepted the connection
- Declined: User has declined the connection
User Experience
When you send an invitation:
- Users receive an email with the connection request
- They can click through to accept or decline
- Upon acceptance, the connection becomes active
- The status updates automatically in your management view
Using the Public API
Layer4 provides a comprehensive REST API for managing wallet connections programmatically. You can find the complete API documentation at
- All API requests require an API key
- The API key must have the appropriate scope for the action
- Include the API key in the request headers
Available Operations
The API provides full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality:
- Create new wallet connections
- Retrieve connections
- Update connection status (deactivate only) or name
- Delete existing connections
Example Usage
For detailed API examples and request/response formats, please refer to our API documentation.
Best Practices
- Send clear communication to users about the purpose of the connection (preferably before creating the wallet connection so that they expect the email)
- Monitor pending invitations and follow up if needed
- Keep connection records up to date
- Implement proper error handling in API integrations