📄️ Overview
Picture a physical bucket you use to carry things around. Digital buckets serve a similar purpose – they're like containers designed to hold your digital items, such as tokens, records, and API keys. These buckets are your go-to places for keeping these digital belongings organised and easily accessible. It's a bit like having a designated container for each type of digital item you want to store, making it convenient and structured.
📄️ Create Bucket
Step-by-step guide on how to create a bucket in Layer4. A bucket is the top-most container to group your data within your workspace.
📄️ View Bucket
Step-by-step guide on how to view a bucket in Layer4. A bucket is the top-most container to group your data within your workspace.
📄️ Edit Bucket
Step-by-step guide on how to edit a bucket in Layer4, enabling you to customise and update bucket details as needed.
📄️ Delete Bucket
Step-by-step guide on how to delete a bucket in Layer4, allowing you to remove unwanted buckets from your workspace.
🗃️ Bucket Users
4 items